Sunday 28 October 2012

lost blog

Found this sitting as a draft when I was going through old blogs. Thought I'd publish it seeing as I just got my hair done and it's a nice sort of "before and after" of how I was feeling about my hair. Or rather an "after and before" since I've published them arsed about face(that means the wrong way around in Ireland). So here it is...or it was...anyway shut up and read it.

I need a hair-cut. Badly. My split ends have split ends! My hair is my favorite accessory and I need to start taking better care of it. Not to sound like a hair commercial, but I do put my locks through a lot. I bleach it, curl it, and straighten it constantly. Not to mention the amount of back combing (which I have become very fond of lately). My poor hair has started to resemble Bett Lynchs' beaver. Only she parts it with a leapord print thong and not a comb...

read the signs

Mr M informs me I'm turning into that housemate. You know the one. The one who leaves helpful signs around the communal areas telling you what you should be doing and when.
Now, I will willingly admit that I put up those signs. I had to. They have turned me into this neurotic person. With their messiness and laziness and annoyingness.
 Who leaves dirt cups with 3 day old tea bags lying in them? They do. Who leaves bowls lying with water in them and calls it "washing up"? They do. Who NEVER cleans any part of the house. They do...well they don't but you know what i mean. They never pay attention to my signs.
Maybe i should leave a sign in the shower... Who gets over friendly with the showerhead when she feels lonely? That's right... I do.

Friday 26 October 2012

does not compute

Has no one in those IBM adverts watched The Matrix/The Terminator? Making machines that know they need to be repaired soon before they break down??? Why dont we all just shave our heads, climb into a bath of pink goo, plug ourselves into the mains and cut to the chase. I worry sometimes my laptop is monitoring everything I type and is putting all the information its collected about me in some kind of  big scary database, full of information about me and millions of other people around the world. Learning about us. Using images from our computers to use facial recognition to track us. Logging where we go and who we go with. Invading our privacy and monitoring our every thought...